Saturday, July 15, 2006

you are beautiful

Once there was a lovely girl with hair that changed in colour every few months depending on how she was feeling. Sometimes she felt full of life, excitement and energy and her hair had bits of shiny bright blonde that shone like the sun and gold at the same time, other times she had firey bits of red as well, there were also times when her hair was just plain brown. This did not happen very often as this meant she was feeling very sad, very very sad as she had had the colour changed properly. Sometimes, especially late at night when she was all alone and missing her friends her hair would look like it was just plain brown as it was the colours that represented her friends and when she missed them they disappeared. But such was the way of the lovely girl that often people noticed the red and blonde bits in her hair as she walked by and they made people smile just like she smiled at them when she was happy and felt her friends were there with her, even though some very special ones were a long way away. -- Charlotte Cottrell

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.