Friday, March 03, 2006

"The Story of the Clever Man" by Sweet Manzana

once upon a time there was a very clever young man
and he worked very hard
read a lot, listened to a lot of music and knew about many things
and he had some very special friends
but unfortunately for this man, some of them lived a long way away from where he lived
sometimes this made him sad
but they wrote to him and chatted with him and some of them even made him laugh
so really he was a very lucky man
and these friends thought about him all the time, even if they didn't get to see him all the time
they imagined him with a bright light around his head, shinning bright, such was his wisdom, charm and handsome good looks
did I mention that the young man had some tall friends, some short friends and one with a very pink coat
and then there was another one who told stories, and bad jokes and sometimes liked to cause a little bit of trouble, but never in a bad way and she was the one that missed him the most

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